Jan Wahl Knives KGSA

Jan Wahl Knives

Jan Wahl grew up enthused with knives and swords. He and his friends would re-enact battles after being inspired by films like ‘Rambo’ and ‘The Three Musketeers’. His real introduction to knife making started while he was working at a taxidermy when one of his coworkers made a knife out of an old saw blade. He fascinated by the idea of his grandchildren being able to say, ‘My grandfather made this knife!’ So, his father found a blacksmith near their town where Jan got to work and learn under.

His father-in-law encouraged him to pursue his passion for knife making full time, so that’s exactly what he did in 2009 and he’s loving it every day!

In 2012 Jan become a proud member of the Knifemakers Guild of Southern Africa (KGSA)!

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