Shayne McIntyre - Badger Blades

Badger Blades South Africa

About Shayne

Hi my name is Shayne McIntyre, I have had an interest in knives from a very young age and even carried them during my school career (secretly). I am a farmer, I love my family, I love nature, love hunting for the pot and I am a conservationist! My hobbies are reloading, target practice, hunting, fishing, camping, bonsai, knife making, leatherwork, and more. I have been an honorary officer with Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife for the last 16 years, I contribute a load of voluntary time to our national parks in South Africa. My motto is “We need to conserve the beautiful natural areas we have today for our children their children and future generations to come” If we don’t it will all merely be another book of the past!

Why “Badger Blades” as my logo? The African honey badger is pound for pound the toughest animal in their habitat and that is the way I like to think of my knives, although beautiful, (my knives & honey badger) their place is not in a cabinet or on a shelf but rather in a sheath on the hip or in a rucksack ready to be used to the full capability, that’s why I make them!

Here for you! The outdoor enthusiast or chef.

Badger regards

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